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Charlottesville High School

Dual Enrollment, Dual Degree, Advanced Placement

Many Avenues to College Credit, Degrees, or Certificates

With approximately 30 dual enrollment and AP classes offered each year, Charlottesville High School offers many paths to  college credit.  In addition to the number of classes offered, the school also receives recognition for its unusually high percentage of students who pass the challenging AP exams (averaging 75 percent for more than a decade). And CHS has frequently appeared on the Washington Post‘s annual “Challenge Index,” which identifies schools that persuade “average students to take college-level courses and tests,” a very strong indicator of success in college.

  • Students have the option of taking courses at any level while pursuing a high school diploma. CHS and CATEC do not charge any fees for class enrollment or exams.

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Dual Degree Program

math problem on marker boardPartnering with Piedmont Virginia Community College, CHS also allows students to graduate with not only their high school diploma, but an associate degree in areas such as computer science or engineering.



College Credit and Industry Certifications at CHS and CATEC

Some of the career and technical education (CTE) programs at CHS and CATEC (Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center) also lead to college credits. In addition, the programs can also yield nationally recognized career certifications. For instance, through a partnership with tech leader CISCO, CATEC studies can lead to valuable IT certifications such as CCENT or CompTIA A+.