Adriane Butler, School Counselor at CATEC, has been named the Charlottesville City Schools Teacher of the Year! Ms. Butler will represent our division in the 2025 Mary V. Bicouvaris Virginia Teacher of the Year Program. Congratulations!
Ms. Butler has served as an educator with Charlottesville City Schools since 2001. She has worked as a school counselor at Jackson-Via, Venable (now Trailblazer), and Greenbrier, as well as served as assistant principal at Buford and Burnley-Moran.
"I’ve had the pleasure of observing the impact of her professionalism, character, and exceptional counseling skills during our nine years as coworkers," said Carmella Johnson, principal of Summit Elementary. "Ms. Butler positively influenced those around her and was well known for her kind, generous, and thoughtful demeanor coupled with her commitment to students’ academic and social emotional well-being. Her approach fostered an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment for all students to feel valued and heard."
All of the division's school-level Teachers of the Year will be honored at a reception prior to the School Board meeting on February 6. Congratulations once again to these outstanding educators: